
  • Blast is an L2 platform with native yield for ETH and stablecoins.
  • Yield is generated from ETH staking and RWA protocols, automatically benefiting users.
  • Unlike other L2s with a default 0% interest rate, offers 4% for ETH and 5% for stablecoins.
  • The generated yield opens up new revenue streams and provides distinctive rewards for end-users.
  • Transactions and Dapps within Blast are centered around ETH.
  • Purposefully designed for ETH to be natively rebasing on the L2.

How to join

  • Visit the official website.
  • Click on “Join Early Access”.
  • Use the exclusive invite code “Given below” to access the platform.
  • Follow Blast on Twitter and Discord and click on “check your airdrop”.
  • Connect your wallet.
  • Go to the Bridge section and transfer ETH or supported tokens from Ethereum to Blast L2.
  • Ensure you have ETH or other supported tokens, obtainable on Binance, to be eligible for bridging.
  • Enjoy a 4% interest rate for ETH and 5% for stablecoins, compared to 0% on other L2s.
  • Withdraw bridged tokens in February after the mainnet launch.
  • Earn one spin per deposited ETH per week, unlocking airdrop points.
  • Receive referral codes after initial bridging (limited initially).
  • The more you and your friends bridge, the more spins you earn.
  • Convert all earned airdrop points to Blast tokens in May.
  • Find additional airdrop details on this page.


Blast secured $20 million in funding from investors, including Paradigm and Standard Crypto. Early users are eligible for an airdrop by signing up with an invite code, bridging ETH, and inviting friends. Airdrop points earned can be converted into native tokens in May.

Limited referral codes 👇

  1. Code-1
  2. Code-2
  3. Code-3
  4. Code-4
  5. Code-5
  6. Code-6
  7. Code-7
  8. Code-8

Noteone code is limited to one person only just join before over.


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